Creative Director & UX
discover credit card statement.jpg

Credit Card Statement Experience

Art Direction, Concept Development, Design, Experience Design, Research, Strategy, UI, UX

Executive Leadership Allocates $12 Million For Credit Card Statement Experience
Put together a business case to redesign the credit card statement experience. Without making assumptions, meant making critical decisions and aligning on several factors. Including: 1) Aligning on a shared purpose 2) Create a relevant long term solution 3) Make it easier to understand, use and benefit.

Creative responds to precise strategic objectives
We’re going to solve for three main pain points with: better visibility of data, cross marketing of online/offline and personalized statements.

Executive Leadership Allocates $12 Million For Credit Card Statement Experience

the situation

I put together a business case to redesign the credit card statement experience. This meant making tough but necessary decisions to design a holistic system, focused on solving customer pain points and business objectives.

the problem

Customers are demanding for a better way to understand their credit card statement.

the solution

Focused only on the most impactful and valuable items. Designed a system flexible enough to leverage consumer data driven content, campaign or online service no matter the touchpoint. The three prioritized areas of improvement:

  1. Better visibility of data

  2. Personalized statements with the context to help you with your finances

  3. Cross marketing of online/offline statements

Personalized statements for each archetype

Personalized statements for each archetype

Giving the power to every customer, personalized statements give customers the knowledge to pay off their bill and in turn will allow them to buy more. Through research and discovery, we learned a number of ways to design information that wouldn’t confuse customers. We explored building out content through a series of patterns and components, giving customers high level information.

Quick View of Old vs. New Statement

Quick View of Old vs. New Statement

Simple and Concise
Prioritizing content, creating a visual hierarchy and establishing a clear structure helps minimize confusion.

Evolved statement with data viz

Evolved statement with data viz

The audience is able to quickly see complex information in a short amount of time to be able to make better informed decisions.

The benefit of a doughnut charts message “part-to-whole relationship” is obvious and the shape is familiar.
